Super Mario Logan Plush Wiki

In Shrek's Big Crap, Shrek eats too much cheese cake and calls Mario to get his coke because his fat ogre butt can't get up. Shrek then decides to take the world's biggest crap. In order to perform a big one, he holds his cheese cake, but drops it and succeeds with the pooping. But 20 minutes later he is back at the toilet making more crap. He then discovers his tiny arms can't reach his butt in order to wipe it. He eats Doritos for 3 minutes straight, punishing the toilet. Afterwards, he runs out of toilet paper, so he calls Mario to get a new roll. He refuses to do so, causing Shrek to bend down and grab some on the floor. He fails and falls to the ground, where he then proceeds with yelling "DOOONKEEEY!!!" for ten minutes. Fortunately, he lands next to his dropped cheese cake and snuggles with it for 6 hours. After lots of courage, he gets up himself. He nabs the toilet paper and wipes himself, then flushes the toilet. There are miniature leftovers in the toilet, but not for long (Shrek eats them). Shrek warns Mario that it is toxic in the bathroom and not to go in there for a couple weeks, maybe months. And so, Shrek took many more dumps after the world's largest crap, and he got his second title in the World Records book (not to mention the sewer system gave Shrek his own sewage pipe).

Youtube Video[]


SML Movie Shrek's Big Crap



  • The word "donkey" is used 55 times in the video.
  • The bathroom Shrek took craps in is the same bathroom used in season one of M&LSDA, as the prisoner's shower room.